31 May 2018

How to resize videos

How to resize videos?


Keeping the Aspect Ratio

If we'd like to keep the aspect ratio, we need to specify only one component, either width or height, and set the other component to -1. For example, this command line:
ffmpeg -i input.jpg -vf scale=320:-1 output_320.png
will set the width of the output image to 320 pixels and will calculate the height of the output image according to the aspect ratio of the input image. The resulting image will have a dimension of 320⨉207 pixels.

29 May 2018

How to update Canon multi-function printer driver?

How to update Canon multi-function printer driver?

1. Download Canon UFRII Setup Driver; Unzip it.
2. Go to 'Printer properties' -> 'Advanced'. Click 'New driver' button;
3. Click 'Have disk'. Browse to the driver file;
4. Choose the correct driver.
5. Follow the instructions, and done.