Your computer can not find your Flash drive or SD card? or any other problem of your USB devices?
Step 1: Download ChipGenius, software for assisting users in extracting information about their USB devices, finding out details they need to repair broken flash drives.
Step 2: Run ChipGenius, and find the model number (e.g. PS 2251-07) of the control chip of a USB device (e.g. flash drive).
Step 3: Go to U盘量产网 and find the specific mass production tool for that specific control chip model (e.g. 'PS 2251-07'). Download the tool (e.g. the one on the page - 群联MPALL 7F V5.03.0A量产工具DL07中文版 )
Step 4: Find the tutorial for using the tool (e.g. 金士顿U盘PS2251-07东芝闪存白片量产CDROM成功教程 )
Step 5: Run the tool. Follow the tutorial. The bad flash drive or SD card will be repaired.