I found that lot`s of people out there finding difficulty with the installation of CKEDITOR and CKFINDER.
Nobody taught me how to install it properly but I spent time with it and read all the manuals came with CKEDITOR and CKFINDER, that`s it everything goes well.
But I know that most of the people who installed these modules has got some errors or warnings like You don`t have access to brows the file or something similar warning messages.
I hope at least after this tutorial everybody will stop complaining about CKEDITOR and CKFINDER Installation.
OK I don`t wanna waste your time by talking so much... Let`s START...
Please follow the steps below;
(1) Go to and download the module.
(2) Go to and download CKeditor
(3) Go to and download CKfinder
(4) Extract the CKeditor file downloaded from then Double click and open the ckeditor file and you can see an another folder with same name ckeditor, double click and open it and then you can see a text file named COPY_HERE.txt
if you read that file you will find that why that folder is for. In this ckeditor folder you have to put the file you downloaded from link.
So extract the file you dowloaded from and double click and open the file ckeditor and copy all the files in side the ckeditor and put it in the ckeditor folder which we dowloaded from drupal site.
(5) Now the file we downloaded from Drupal should look something like this ckeditor>ckeditor>ckeditor.php...
(6) Extract the dowloded file ckfinder and put it in Ckeditor folder. Now the pathe shoul look like this ckeditor>ckfinder
(7) Open ckeditor>ckfinder>config.php and remove the
CheckAuthentication() function:
(don't worry, this function is defined in filemanager.config.php, see below)
function CheckAuthentication() <- remove it
{ <- remove it
//WARNING : DO NOT simply... <- remove it
... <- remove it
return false; <- remove it
} <- remove it
(8) ckeditor>ckfinder>config.php add the path to userfiles
$baseUrl = '/public_html/'; (you can find this path from cpanel. Open the file ckeditor>ckfinder>userfiles and you can see the path to the userfiles on top left side of cpanel.)
(8) Add this code
require_once '../../../../includes/filemanager.config.php';
straight below the following line:
$baseDir = resolveUrl($baseUrl);
(9) Select CKFinder as preferred file browser in "Administer > Site configuration > CKEditor"
(in selected CKEditor profile scroll down to "File browser settings" section).
In the "File browser settings" section you may also change destination folders for files uploaded with CKFinder.
(10) Locate file named settings.php inside your drupal directory
drupal/sites/default/settings.php and on line 169 (# $cookie_domain = '';)
un-comment this line by removing # mark and change to your domain name. Like this $cookie_domain = '';
(Note: if you are on local computer add localhost $cookie_domain = 'localhost';).
(11) Open ckeditor>ckfinder>userfiles> and create three files named images, files and flash approximately.
(12) CKEditor Works only if you select Full HTML mode.
That`s it now put all these files in the sites>all>modules(note: you have to create this file.)
That`s it now go to administer and enable modules.
(note: Make sure that you have selected ckfinder as default file browser in ckeditor configuration. You can find this here and then edit advanced user profile and set the ckfinder.
I will be making a video tutorials about How to create your own custom CKEditor toolbar and plug-ins.